
Foramen Ovale

Boom Human set from Unison 9 livestream March 12, 2022. Featuring live Chapman Stick-Controlled MIDI bass and synth with GR-55 guitar synthesizer. Watch set played live on YouTube!

Boom Human: The Extravagance of the Hunter

The Extravagance of the Hunter

Excerpt from a set on Camp Mystic's main stage on Esplanade at Burning Man August 29th, 2019. Featuring live Chapman Stick-Controlled MIDI bass and synth with GR-55 guitar synthesizer. Joined on a few tracks at the end with DJ Dragonfly on live electronic percussion....


Set from Burning Man headquarters staff & volunteers holiday party in San Francisco, December 2018. Featuring live Chapman Stick-Controlled MIDI bass and synth with GR-55 guitar synthesizer....


Played derivations of this set in Spring 2018 at a handful of shows in Northern California. Featuring live Chapman Stick-Controlled MIDI bass and synth with GR-55 guitar synthesizer....


Midtempo set from Rhythm Society event Open, Sierra Meadows, Oakhurst, CA, August 6th, 2016. With live Boom Human remixes. Featuring live Chapman Stick-controlled MIDI bass and synth....

Watch Out For Onesies

Midtempo set from private event Evocation, San Francisco, California, October 1st, 2016. With live Boom Human remixes. Featuring live Chapman Stick-Controlled MIDI bass and synth with GR-55 guitar synthesizer....

Shiva Las Vegas

Midtempo sunrise set from Rhythm Society "Emergence" event, San Francisco, California, March 18th, 2017. Featuring live Chapman Stick-Controlled MIDI bass and synth with GR-55 guitar synthesizer....


Female Dreams

Nam fermentum vel felis at laoreet. Cras semper pulvinar tristique. Cras vitae pulvinar velit, vitae elementum risus. Nullam nulla arcu, gravida sed libero sit amet, facilisis tincidunt quam. In semper nulla turpis, ac rutrum ex gravida ut. Etiam tincidunt fringilla orci vel blandit. Sed tincidunt pretium ligula, non varius erat....



Nam fermentum vel felis at laoreet. Cras semper pulvinar tristique. Cras vitae pulvinar velit, vitae elementum risus. Nullam nulla arcu, gravida sed libero sit amet, facilisis tincidunt quam. In semper nulla turpis, ac rutrum ex gravida ut. Etiam tincidunt fringilla orci vel blandit. Sed tincidunt pretium ligula, non varius erat....